Another way to set the button link is to select it and then click the "Select page" button on the Properties toolbox. Open dialog will appear, in which you can select the page you would like to link to. This page's address will then appear in the "Link" field.
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WordPress Plugin: Collapsible Archive Widget | I have written another simple WordPress plugin that simply display a collapsible archive in the sidebar. Seems my blog is going to need a collapsible menu soon.
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WordPress Plugin: Collapsible Archive Widget | I have written another simple WordPress plugin that simply display a collapsible archive in the sidebar. Seems my blog is going to need a collapsible menu soon.
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Part1 Top Ten Best Free Wordpress Themes and Templates Balance is clean and nice looking wordpress theme from thoughtmechanics The highlight of this theme is the the collapsible and expandable menu on the top.
I'm trying to make a collapsible HTML menu that works in I'm trying all sorts of codes for collapsible HTML menus for Wordpress and none of them work. I'm about to lose my mind. Can someone give me a code for a Wordpress
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Programing � DucDigital Jquery collapsible menu for WordPress. By default, when you use "wp_list_categories()", it will give you a structured category list with it's default mark-up. � The One About Seriocomics Collapsible Menus WordPress news and updates from around the web
6 Must-Have Collapsible Plugins for WordPress | Net Entrepreneur Admin Drop Down Menu. Download . This is a little bit off topic, but it is a must for any WordPress blogger. It makes the Admin menu collapsible.